Chao Shu: The Freezing over the Port of Tientsin and the Lower Haiho Valley during the Month of February, 1936.
As a result of the successive invasion of cold waves during the month of February,1936,a spell of bitterly cold weather ensued in North China and the port of Tientsin as well as the outlet of the Haiho were ice-hound from the begining of February to the begining of March, a thing unknown in living memory. Even the well-known oven-port of Chinwangtao and the harbors at Pehtaiho, Changli,etc. were also bound by ice-sheet in the last decade of February. Ice appeared at the port Tientsin and Lower Haiho Valley in the following periods: (1) from the 1st decade of January to the 7th of February (2) from the 9th of February to the 11th of the same month; (3) from the 17th of February to the 3rd of March, The causes of this extraordinary phenomenon are three in number: (1) the cumulative temperature of Tientsin from 7th of Novecrber to the 28th of February of this winter was -388.8℃ that is the lowest for the last 13 winters; (2) the frequency of the east winds (28.3%) broke the maximum frequency record of the last 6 years, it is this air current that blocked the icefloes from going to sea; (3)due to the excessive amount of snowy formation of ice was much accelerated.