An optimum scheme for finite difference
Graphical Abstract
In numerical prediction and numerical modeling, the general method to describe d ifferential term in space is finite difference method, however, the using of fin ite difference method will introduce truncation error. Wu (1979) proposed that i n order to improve the accuracy of difference term, a new field was constructed to replace the original physical field in the difference term. This paper is a s ister paper of Wu (1979), the main purpose is to interpret the value of Wu (1979 ), and furthermore to give some more general difference themes. The difference t heme in this paper combines both the advantages of finite difference method (fas t calculating) and the spectral method (high accuracy). If a discrete Fourier ex pansion is made on a given grid, the frequency spectrum of the base function (si ne or cosine) is fixed. In this paper, the generalized method of finding a 2 or der (or more times) smoothing field is explored. The fundamental philosophy to o btain the smoothing field is making an optimum approximation at the fixed freque ncy spectrum. The upper threshold of smoothing was determined as 3 through obser ving the decreasing speed of the cumulative error of the frequency spectrum. The results of the numerical analysis reveal that the maximum error of the 2order smoothing scheme is 0.04 of the classical scheme without any smoothing and 0.3 of the classical scheme with the same computation cost. The advection experiment also suggests that the new scheme is far more excellent than the classical sch eme. The new difference scheme supplies a new road which improves the accuracy o f numerical calculating without adding the grids.