Coching Chu: Is Cold Winter the Harbinger of Summer F1ood in China?
1936(4): 179-183. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1936.029
Abstract PDF
A. Lu: The Movement of the Fronts in E. Asia on March 16-17, 1936
1936(4): 184-194. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1936.030
Abstract PDF
Chao Shu: The Freezing over the Port of Tientsin and the Lower Haiho Valley during the Month of February, 1936.
1936(4): 195-200. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1936.031
Abstract PDF
Coching Chu: The Nanking Weather
1936(4): 201-206. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1936.032
Abstract PDF