
Coching Chu: The Nanking Weather

  • 摘要: 天气这个问题是人们三句不离口的东西,而也是人们最难了解的东西。这种只会谈而不能了解的现象,中外皆然。的确!在中国拿天气作为谈话的资料,已经谚语化了。你瞧!中国“谈话”俗语叫“谈天”,他的意思就是闲谈天气;中国“问安”或“致意”是叫“寒暄”,意思是问问“冷热”或谈谈“天气的状况是否适宜於对方的起居”。


    Abstract: If we designate the days with a mean temperature of below 10℃ as wintery days with a mean temperature over 22℃ as summery and the period between the two as spring or autumn,then there are tour months each of summer and wintery aid only two months each of spring and autnmn in Nanking. Spring in Nanking is the season when wintor northeast monsoon and summer southeast monsoon have a struggle for supremacy, storms and showers are quite frequent winds reach the maximum veocity of the years and temperature is comparatively cool.


