
Pao-Kun Chang: March of Weather in Nanking

  • 摘要: 南京位北纬三十二度三分,东经一百十八度四十七分。东距海岸约三百余公里;西带长江,江水环绕城之西北两面。四周无崇山峻岭,即以其城东锺山之最高峯高度言,亦不过四百四十二公尺。是以冬夏季风直达无阻。钦天山位城中东北隅,巍然耸峙於山巅者,即今日中央研究院气象研究所之气象台也。


    Abstract: The discussion is mainly based upon the meteorological and phenological observations at the Institute of Meteorology, Pei-Chi-Ko,Nanking (Lat 32°03'N.,Long. 118°47'E,Alt. 67.9 meters),during the seven years 1929-1935.January is the coldest month in Nanking. Northerly winds gre frequent.Temperatures as below 0℃. are very common.On January 27, 1933,a reading of -13.8℃ has bew registered, which is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Nanking.February is the coldest month second to January. Weather during this month remains almost the same as the preceding month.


