
Dynamical Effect of Eastern Chinese Coastal Winds and Its Influence upon the Temperature

  • 摘要: 我寫這篇文章的動機是由於繪製中國之温度圖而起,當我作温度圖時.發现一個特殊的現象,就是中國東部沿海岸及以島嶼上的温度,常是比較兩旁的温度為低.就是說比左邊的大陸和右邊的大洋,温度統要低些,這可拿年平均温度來代表(第一圖).這種現象在中國東岸有兩個區域特别顯著,一個是山東半島東端和江蘇北部的東海徐州一带,一個是在台灣海峽内.我們名上述兩個區域,一個為黃海西區一,個為台灣海峽區.


    Abstract: In the north of Shantung Peninsula,moderate northerly current becoms deflected by the penisala toward the east end,then tarns Southward.Dynamically a vortex motion is thus formed over the west of Yellow Sea and south of the Peninsula,as ovidenced from the annual prevailing winds around the Yellow Sea(Fig.6).


