
On the Spring Crops Failure in Szechuan and Its Prevention

  • 摘要: 四川地形,周圍高竣而中部低平,具有盆形,故有盆地之稱;東北省境為大巴山脈,高度自一千公尺至二千五百公尺,岷山山脈屹立西北邊陲,約三千至四千五百公尺之高度,西為大雪山,西南涼山,高度均不下二千至四千五百公尺,即正東川鄂界上之巫山山脈及東南方向之武陵山脈婁山山脈,皆有一千至一千五百公尺之高度,各大山脈,環立四周,愈向中心,高度愈減。盆地内部除成都平原為一眞正之平曠地形外,其(?)丘陵起伏,地面相互間之比較高度,约在一百公尺左石。


    Abstract: The failure of the spring crops in Szeebuan is not only due to the lack of the present spring rainfall but also due to the scarcity of preci-pitations from last autumn. Here it is discussed in three topics as follows:(1) the cause of the winter drought in Szeehuan;(2) the scarcity of rainfall from las tautumn and winter and its influence upon the spring crops in next year;(3) how to prevent the catastrophe from the spring crops failure.


