叶笃正. 1956: 小地形对于气流的影响. 气象学报, (3): 243-262. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1956.018
引用本文: 叶笃正. 1956: 小地形对于气流的影响. 气象学报, (3): 243-262. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1956.018
YEH TU-CHENG. 1956: TOPOGRAPHICAL EFFECT ON THE AIRFLOW. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, (3): 243-262. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1956.018
Citation: YEH TU-CHENG. 1956: TOPOGRAPHICAL EFFECT ON THE AIRFLOW. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, (3): 243-262. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb1956.018



  • 摘要: 本文总结了小地形对于气流的影响.文中着重地指出和讨论了过去背风波理论中的矛盾.作者认为这些矛盾是由于山的大小选择和上界边界条件的选择而引起的.当山的宽度的一半l≈(LS/2π)时(LS=u/√(g/θ)(∂θ/∂z),和当大气中有一个固定的盖或不连续面存在时,背风波出现.在第一种情况下,山的强迫振动与大气中的自由振动共鸣;在第二种情况下,只具有某些滤长的振动可以存在,这波长就是背风波的波长.这样的讨论背风波的物理意义就清楚了.


    Abstract: This paper reviews the observational facts and theories on the airflow over small mountains.Special emphasis is laid to point out and discuss the controversies in the theory of lee waves among different writers.According to present author controversiesare due to (1) the difference in scale of the mountain and (2) the choice of the upper boundary condition.When l is comparable to the critical(LS/2π),(LS=u/√(g/θ ∂θ/∂z),where l is the half-widch of the mountain,lee waves occur.When there is an upper solid lid or a discontinuity in the atmolee waves occur.In the first case the forced vibration is in resonance with natural vibration.In the second case there can exist only vibrations of certain wave lengths,which appears as those of the lee wave.The physics of lee waves is thus clear.


