The structure of general circulation over the Asia.,in the period of Jan.1st.to Mar.10th.,1956,is investigated using all available aerological.material.It is found that:1.During this period there existed two jet streams over the continent.This two jets combined into one jet at the meridian 140ºE.2.Both jets over Easters Asia are accelerated downstream.The southern one starts acceleration from the meridian 75ºE,while the northern one was not accelerated before reading the meridian 100ºE.3.The baroclinity of the atmosphere over Eastern Asia is mainly concentrated in the vicinity of the Tibetan Plateau.It is considered that the existence of the Tibetan Plateau has the following three effects on the general circulation:1.The existence of the plateau intensifies the baroclinitp (along the N-S as well as W-E directions) around the plateau,south of which a vertical circulation is formed.2.The confluence of the two jets,thus also the acceleration of them,is due to the existence of the plateau.3.The existence of plateau makes the southern jet intensified and steady.