In this paper,the forming mecbanisms of low latitude circulation cells and precipitation during east Asian cold surge have been studied by using a five-layer primitive equation model.Numerical experiments show that:in low latitude,the cumulus convection effects can intensify the north-east monsoon wind and north-east trade wind,keep ITCZ from transferring southward further.Numerical results indicate that the winter monsoon PreciPitation in Indonesia and North-Australia can exist independently.To form the North-Australian summer monsoon wind and its precipitation,both the South China Sea(SCS)cold surge and the west Paci-fic north-east cross-equatorial trade wind can be of importance.Numerical results also indicate that:the development of cumulus convection,triggered by the SCS cold surge,is a fundamental factor in forming the strong monsoon preciPitation and low-level stationary disturbances over Indonesia and Borneo.The lands of Indonesia and Borneo and the north-east trade wind disturbance are two important factors affecting the precipitation intensity.