A three-dimensional ocean carbon cycle model, which is a general circulati on model coupled with simple biogeochemical processes, is used to simulate CO2 uptake by the ocean. The OGCM is used a modified version of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory modular ocean model (MOM2). The ocean chemistry and a simple ocean biota model is included. Principal variables are total CO2, alkali nity and phosphate. The vertical profile of POC flux observed by sediment traps is adopted, the rain ratio,a ratio of production rate of calcite against that of POC, and the bio-production efficiency should be 0.06 and 2 per year, separately. The uptake of anthropogenic CO2 by the Ocean is studied. Calculated oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2 during the 1980's is 2.05 Pg per year. The regional distributions of global oceanic CO2 are discussed.