With the daily direct solar radiation and sunshine duration data,as well as the TOMS version-7 ozone observation data of 41 solar stations in China fora period of 1979 to 1990,we retrieves the annual and monthly average 0.75 μm aerosol optical depth,partly based on the method developed by Jinghuan Qiu.According to the rdsults above,the spatial and temporal distribution of aerosol optical depth in China was analy zed.The results show that Sichuan Basin is the center where aerosol optical depth is the highest.Wuhan and south Xinjiang Basin are the other two high-value area.Most part of north-eastand north-wesr,Yunnan as well as Fujian province are the lower-value area of aerosol optical depth,The pattern of aerosol optical depth distribution for each month is different.The max imumoccurs in spring for mostareas of China,but the minimum occurs in different season for differentareas.During the years from 1979 to 1990,the aerosol optical depth had been increasing for areas of Qinzang plateau,west part of Sichuan Basin,north Guizhou province,most part of mid-and-lower reaches of Yangzi river,Shandong peninsula,and west part of south Xinjiang Basin.While the north-east,most part of the north-west,Yunnan and Guizhou province,west Guangxi Province and north China,the aerosol optical depth had been decreasing.