

  • 摘要: 文中应用NOAA卫星反演的1980~1995年候平均对流层上部水汽亮温(BT)资料、向外长波辐射(OLR)资料和美国NMC全球分析850hPa风资料与美国CMAP降水资料作了对比分析,发现BT能够较好地反映中低纬度地区的深对流降水,偏南风场辐合区与深对流降水有比较一致的关系,而OLR不能反映热带外地区的对流降水。BT资料所具有的这一特征可以应用于亚洲夏季风爆发过程的深对流特征分析。BT描述深对流的临界值是244K.亚洲季风区是全球深对流季节变化范围和强度最大的地区。赤道外地区的夏季风爆发可以定义为来自热带地区深对流的季节扩张。中南半岛上的夏季风对流发生在南海夏季风爆发之前。华南前汛期深对流是中低纬系统相互作用的结果。第28候,南海夏季风的突然爆发在降水、风场和卫星反演的深对流特征上都有明确的反映。南海夏季风爆发后,印度夏季风对流由南向北逐渐爆发,青藏高原东侧和中国东部沿海的夏季风对流向北推进早于中国中部地区。


    Abstract: In this paper, deep connective characteristics of summer monsoon onset over Asian region are investigated. Data sets used are the US Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Merged Analysis of precipitation (CMAP),US National Meteorological Center (NMC) globe wind analysis, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) and upper-tropospheric water vapor band brightness temperature (BT) observed from NOAA polar orbiting satellites for 1980-1995. The BT, OLR and wind at 850 hPa are first compared to the CMAP. Results show that the BT can indicate the convective precipitation in both tropical and mid-latitude regions but the OLR can not well reflect the precipitation in the region of mid-latitudes. The convergence of wind field can explain the burst of summer monsoon and its extension. The region of Asian summer monsoon is the largest one of deep convection seasonal variation over the world. Also, in this paper, the summer monsoon over the mid-low latitudes was defined as the seasonal expansion of deep convection coming from tropical region with the criterion of BT less than 244 K. The summer monsoon over the Indo-China Peninsula bursts before the onset of the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon. The deep convection over South China during the pre-rainy season results from the interaction between middle and lower latitude systems. In the 28-th pentad, the abrupt onset of the SCS summer monsoon can be directly identified through the monitoring of OLR, BT, CMAP and 850 hPa wind. After the onset of the SCS summer monsoon, the summer monsoon of Indian subcontinent gradually sets up from south to north, while the northward extensions of summer monsoons over the east Tibetan Plateau and the East China Sea are earlier than over central China.


