The foreign research advances of the dry intrusion in recent years are reviewed in this paper.It is summarized the basic theory on strucure and behavior of the dry intrusion,the relationship bet ween the dry intrusion and the development of weather syst ems and its numerical simulation.It is also provided probably the further research aspects of the dry intrusion in the future.It is clear that the dry intrusion with high potential voricity and low huminity decendes from near tropopause-level of ten has a clear signature in satellite imagery,especially in the water vapour (WV) channel,where it is seen as a darkzone.The dry intrusion may be conducive to the rapid development of cyclones,the amplification of heavy rainfalls,the enhancement of potential instability.The dry intrusion is associated with generation of potential inst ability and its eventual release as showers or thunderst orms.Identification of dry intrusions provides forecasters with additional nowcasting evidence that is especially helpful when issuing severe weather warnings.The dry intrusion may be responsible for the evolution of cold fronts and their rainfalls charact eristics.The identif ication of dry intrusions from WV imagery is useful in helping forecasters understand what is happening on mesoscale and to ant icipate what may happen on the period of a nowcast and it can be used to validate and bogus a NWP model.Therefore,the further research on the dry intrusion and its mechanism can provide instuction to weather forecast both theoretically and practically.