水汽空间分布对大气船舶重力波影响的数 值试验


  • 摘要: 利用中尺度数值模式ARPS模拟研究了水汽在山脉重力波和大气船波的产生和演变中的作用。研究发现水汽和非绝热效应对大气船波的影响与水汽的空间分布有关,大气船波的产生和演 变对水汽的空间分布具有极端的敏感性,在一定条件下水汽的引入有可能减少大气船波的活动。 对于3层模式结构的气流过山而言,如果初始的水汽分布在中层大气,则水汽和非绝热效应对大气船波的影响较小,而如果初始的水汽分布在中下层大气,则引入水汽后减少了大气船波的强度,但是如果初始的水汽分布在整个模式大气层,则水汽的引入减少了大气船波的活 动。


    Abstract: Effects of moisture on the genesis and evolution of mountain gravity waves and a tmospheric ship waves in the threedimensional multilayer moisture flow over to pography are numerically investigated using the Advanced Regional Prediction Sys tem (ARPS5.0.0.0IHOP5). The results show that the moisttrapped lee wave (the s e cond diverging wave mode) in three dimensional three layer moisture flow over mo untain is apparent in the downstream of the mountain lee side, and it consists o f two diverging wave modes and a transverse wave mode. The genesis and evolution of atmospheric ship waves are extremely sensitive to the initial spatial distri bution of moisture in the atmosphere, and under certain condition, the introduct ion of moisture might reduce the activities of ship waves in the atmosphere. For the threedimensional threelayer flow over a isolated mountain, if th e init ial moisture is distributed on the middle layer, the impact of moisture and diab atic heating on atmospheric ship waves is minor; if the initial moisture is dist ributed on the middle and lower layers, then effects of moisture and diabatic he ating reduce the intensity of atmospheric ship waves; and if the initial moistur e is distributed on the all layers of the model, then the introduction of moistu re into the model atmosphere will reduce the activities of atmospheric ship wave s in the whole atmosphere.


