Academican Xie Yibing’s main contribution of the atmospheric circulation systems is reviewed briefly. Which include: (1) The life cycle of the upper cut-off low over North America. (2) The multi-layer structure of the upper front and jet stream over East Asia. (3) The structure and evolution of rain-bearing systems (meiyu front, South-west vortex, etc) over China. The importance of the interaction between tropical and middle latitude disturbances in the heavy rain fall. (4) Formation of typhoon over Northwestern Pacific along the ITCZ/monsoon trough, and the low-frequency variation of the southwest Indian monsoon. (5) Theory of moist-baroclinic dynamics of the rain fall system and apply to weather forecasts. (6) The theory of medium-rang variation of the general circulation. Xie Yibing’s contribution gave us a better understanding of the atmospheric circulation systems and improve the heavy rainfall forecasting over China.