
China Southern China quasistationary front during ice-snow disaster of January 2008

  • 摘要: 2008年1月中、下旬中国南方广大地区受到低温雨雪冰冻的极端异常气象灾害(简称“0801冰雪灾害”)。其降水性质属于隆冬季节华南准静止锋产生的持续性降水。以1月28日的锋面为例,用经典天气学分析方法从等压面图、垂直剖面图和单站探空曲线,讨论了华南准静止锋的三维空间配合。


    Abstract: The southern China suffered extremely meteorological disaster caused by low-temperature and ice-snow during the last 20 days of January 2008. The frozen-rain and snow are climatically related to the southern China quasi-stationary front in deep winter. The 3-dimensional structure of southern China quasi-stationary front was examined by the coordinate relationship among the weather charts, the profiles of sounding, and vertical cross-section using the method classical synoptic analysis.


