谢坤, 任雪娟, 张耀存, 姚素香. 2009: 区域海气耦合模式对华北夏季大气水汽输送模拟结果的检验及其与单独气候模式的比较分析. 气象学报, (6): 1002-1012. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2009.097
引用本文: 谢坤, 任雪娟, 张耀存, 姚素香. 2009: 区域海气耦合模式对华北夏季大气水汽输送模拟结果的检验及其与单独气候模式的比较分析. 气象学报, (6): 1002-1012. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2009.097
XIE Kun, REN Xuejuan, ZHANG Yaocun, YAO Suxiang. 2009: Evaluation on simulation of summertime atmospheric water vapor transport over North China using a regional airsea coupled model and its comparison with the regional climate model.. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, (6): 1002-1012. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2009.097
Citation: XIE Kun, REN Xuejuan, ZHANG Yaocun, YAO Suxiang. 2009: Evaluation on simulation of summertime atmospheric water vapor transport over North China using a regional airsea coupled model and its comparison with the regional climate model.. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, (6): 1002-1012. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2009.097


Evaluation on simulation of summertime atmospheric water vapor transport over North China using a regional airsea coupled model and its comparison with the regional climate model.

  • 摘要: 将区域海气耦合模式RegCM3POM和区域气候模式RegCM3 40 年(1963—2002年)的模拟结 果与NCEP/NCAR再分析资料进行对比,检验区域海气耦合模式对中国华北地区夏季大气水汽 含量和水汽输送特征的模拟能力,比较耦合模式与单独区域气候模式的差异。结果表明,区域海气耦合模式RegCM3POM的模拟性能相对于单独区域气候模式RegCM3,大气水汽输送特 征的模拟能力有了较大的改进。分析显示两种模式都能够较好地再现东亚地区气候平均夏季大气水汽含量和水汽输送的空间分布特征,而耦合模式对大气水汽输送的模拟更为合理,在对流层中低层更接近观测;耦合模式对中国华北地区夏季平均大气水汽输送通量在垂直方向上的分布型及水平4个边界水汽输送收支的模拟,相对于单独大气模式有了一定 的改进;耦合模式对伴随华北地区夏季旱涝的大气水汽异常输送也具有较好的模拟能力,其模拟的水汽输送异常的来源与观测基本一致,尤其是在20°N以北地区,耦合模式结果相对 于单独区域气候模式有了很大的改进。但同时耦合模式在低纬度海洋上对气候平均夏季大气 水汽含量模拟的偏差比区域气候模式显著;与观测相比,耦合模式对来自孟加拉湾地区的大气水汽输送模拟偏弱,而对西太平洋副热带高压西侧水汽输送模拟偏强,与华北夏季旱涝相 联系的水汽输送异常的模拟在低纬度海洋上也存在明显偏差。


    Abstract: Evaluation on simulation of the summer time atmospheric water vapor transport an d the precipitable water over North China is carried out by using a regional air-sea coupled model RegCM3POM and its comparison with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data set. The difference between the regional air-sea coupled model and the re gional climate model is also investigated. The results show that, RegCM3POM ha s a considerable improvement on the simulation of the atmospheric water vapor tr ansport compared with RegCM3. Both of the regional air sea coupled model and th e regional climate model can reproduce the climatological distribution of summer time precipitable water and atmospheric water vapor transport over East Asia. The simulation of the regional airsea coupled model is more reasonable and close r to the observation in the lower and middle troposphere, compared with that of the regional climate model. The climatological characteristics of atmospheric wa ter vapor transport in the vertical profile and its horizontal budget over four boundaries of North China are more reasonable in the coupled model than those in the uncoupled model. The anomalous distribution of atmospheric water vapor tran sport associated with anomalous summer rainfall over North China is also reprodu ced in the regional air sea coupled model. The sources of anomalous atmospheric water vapor transport in the regional airsea coupled model are basically in agreement with the observation. The results of the regional airsea coupled mod el is dramatically improved compared with those of the regional climate model, e specially in the region north of 20°N. However, it is noticeable that the bias of the climatological summertime precipitable water over the low latitude oceani c region in the regional airsea coupled model is larger than that in the regio nal climate model. Compared with the observation, the simulation of the atmosphe ric water vapor transport from the Bay of Bengal is weaker, and the atmospheric water vapor transport along the western part of the Western Pacific subtropical high is stronger in the regional airsea coupled model. The anomalous distribut ion of atmospheric water vapor transport associated with anomalous summer rainfa ll over North China also has a conspicuous bias over the low latitude oceanicre gion in the regional air sea coupled model RegCM3 POM.


