Climatic features of frontogenesis in East China and their related circulation patterns during the early summer
摘要: 利用中国华东地区212个站点2000-2010年6-7月逐日降水资料和NCEP/NACR再分析资料,运用运动学锋生函数公式.分析了华东地区6-7月锋生、锋面及其环流结构的气候学特征结果表明.锋生函数值在华东区域呈现不均匀分布,且不同性质的运动学锋生具有不同的锋生强度和分布.其中,江淮地区是6-7月综合锋生最强的区域根据风场在850 hPa强锋生带的切变及辐合情况,将6-7月的锋生类型分成4个大类,即暖切变型锋生、冷切变型锋生、西风辐合型锋生、东风辐合型锋生,其中,冷切变型锋生又分为两个亚类不同类型的锋生个例数不同,江淮地区最多的是暖切变型锋生不同锋面的水平结构与垂直结构存在显着差异,但对于强锋生过程,340K假相当位温等值线与锋区平行且穿过锋区,其对判断强锋生过程和锋区位置具有指示意义强锋生事件的出现有其大尺度环流背景,而不同类型的强锋生事件的环流背景差异 较大:背景气旋或反气旋环流的中心位置、强度、辐散辐合场的分布、垂直环流结构等方面有不同程度的差异降水与锋生强度紧密相关锋生较强时.降水较多暖切变型锋生日降水量最大,降水发生在锋区内部,与强锋生带走向一致;冷切变型次, 两种类型的降水均发生在锋区的南侧,呈东北一西南走向;西风辐合再次之,降水发生在锋区内部偏南一侧.Abstract: Based on the daily precipitation data of the 212 stations in East China and the NCEP/NCAR daily rcanalysis data in June and July from 2000 to 2010,the climatic characteristics of frontogenesis and their related circulations have been analyzed by employing the composite analysis. Our results have shown that the values of the frontogenetical function distribute non-uniformly in East China. The different terms in the kinematic frontogenesis function show the different intensity and distribution of frontogenesis in different places. The strongest frontogenesis as integrated from the different terms of the kinematical frontogenesis is observed in the Jianghuai area. Frontogenesis events arc classified as the 4 types as per the different shear types of horizontal wind along the strong frontogenesis belt at 850 hPa. They arc the warm type shear between southwesterly and southeasterly, the cold type shear between northeasterly and northwesterly (sub-type-Ⅰ),or between northeasterly and southwesterly (sub-type-Ⅱ),west wind type signed by the convergence between southwesterly and northwesterly, and the cast wind type by the convergence between the southeasterly and northeasterly. The different types of frontogenesis events occurred with different frequency in the past decade. In the Jianghuai area, the warm type shear frontogenesis happened mostly. 'hhc horizontal and vertical structures among different types of frontogenesis arc various apparently. It’s worth nothing that the 340 K contour of pseudo-equivalent potential temperature seems to be a meaningful indicator for the strong frontogenesis process since the 340 K contour parallels with the frontal zone and passes through it. The strong frontogenesis event seems to appear in a back-ground of the large-scale circulation pattern,which is quite different in different types of frontogenesis. For different types of frontogcncsis,the positions and intensities of the related cyclone and anticyclone along with the distributions of convergence and divergence,as well as the vertical structures of the circulation and so on arc found different to some extent. The close rclationships between the precipitation and the frontogenesis arc found. The stronger the frontogenesis is,the more precipitation is The daily precipitation related to the warm type shear is the strongest as compared to those related to other types of frontogenesis. The precipitation occurs usually in the frontal zone along the strong frontogenesis belt. The intensity of precipitation rclated to cold type shear follows the warm type, and both occurs south of the frontal zone with the rain belt tilted northeastward.The precipitation related to the west wind type comes thirdly in terms of rainfall intensity, occurring in the south side within the frontal zone.