It is well realized that the intensive field experiment in cloud and precipitation provides significant information for the microphysical and dynamic processes. In the project of the Third Tibetan Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Sciences, the intensive observation of cloud and precipitation in Naqu was conducted from July 1 to August 31, 2014. The advanced radars, such as Ka band cloud radar, Ku band micro-rain radar, C band frequency modulation and persistent wave (FMCW) radar, Lidar, disdrometers and microwave radiometer were used to observe the vertical structures of cloud physics, and, the C band mobile polarization radar and C band operational Doppler radar formed a dual-Doppler system to observe the 3-D wind field and hydrometeor phase. In this paper, the field experiment was introduced and the radar data were used to analyze the daily variations of the cloud properties (including cloud top and base, cloud amount, physical thickness, layers and vertical distribution) and the cloud cases for the different type cloud processes. The results show that most of the clouds were located above 6 km and below 4 km above the ground level.The cloud top and base, cloud amount and thickness for the clouds above 6 km had obvious daily variations. The cloud processes were the strongest at 20:00 Beijing time (BT) and the weakest at 08:00 BT. The initial cloud often developed at 3 km above the ground level with upper draft in this level. The deep convective cloud could develop to 16.5 km above the ground level, the strong upper draft and down draft were observed. The supercooled water possibly existed in the deep convective cloud. The data observed in the field experiment and preliminary results will be used in the studies of cloud physics, the cloud and precipitation process parameterization, and the correction of retrieved productions from satellite.