Retrieval bias analysis of ice cloud optical thickness based on the FY-2 satellite
摘要: 冰云的微物理特性参数反演是云参数反演的难点和热点问题,目前风云二号(FY-2)卫星还没有相关的业务产品。考虑薄卷云覆盖在中低云上的两层云情况,采用六棱柱形状的冰云,在云相态识别基础上,利用FY-2 卫星观测数据,采用双通道算法反演冰云光学厚度。选取2013年8月的EOS/Terra和EOS/Aqua云参数产品对反演的FY-2云光学厚度精度进行比对分析。研究结果表明,联合FY-2的可见光通道和中波红外通道可反演冰云光学厚度。基于匹配得到的34个分析个例,FY-2反演的云光学厚度分布态势与EOS/ MODIS云产品相同,但FY-2云光学厚度反演值小于EOS/MODIS 云光学厚度产品值。FY-2 反演云光学厚度与EOS/MODIS云光学厚度产品的平均偏差为6.41,相关系数平均为0.92,线性拟合平均斜率为0.74。FY-2 与EOS/MODIS云光学厚度值偏差出现原因除了反演算法存在差异外,与反演所用数据的不同存在密切关系,基础观测数据越相近,FY-2 与EOS/MODIS云光学厚度反演结果的偏差越小。Abstract: Ice cloud microphysical retrieval is a research hot in cloud parameter retrieval. Until now, the FengYun-2 satellite has not provided related operational products. Based on the visible and middle infrared channels, the cloud optical thickness retrieval algorithm is developed. The cloud phase and multilayer cloud detection is the base of the cloud optical thickness retrieval. The reflectivity at the visible, middle infrared channel and the brightness temperature at the water vapor and infrared channel are used to detect cloud thermodynamic phase. For the ice cloud optical thickness retrieval, the form of hexagonal solid column is used. The EOS/ Terra and EOS/ Aqua MODIS cloud optical thickness data are selected as validation data to evaluate the FY-2 retrieval cloud optical thickness. The retrieval test was done based on the August 2013 FY-2 data. 34 matched data were gotten to evaluate. The analysis results show that the mean bias between the FY-2 and EOS/MODIS cloud optical thickness is 6.41. The mean correlation coefficient between FY-2 and EOS/MODIS is 0.92. The slope of fitting linear is 0.74. It shows that the FY-2 retrieval data has the same pattern as the EOS MODIS cloud optical thickness, but FY-2's cloud optical thickness is smaller than that of the EOS MODIS data, especially for thicker cloud. The reason why the bias between FY-2 and EOS is caused comes from some factors. Except the different retrieval algorithm, different satellite data is a main factor. The reflectivity of the FY-2 visible channel is smaller than EOS's. The more similar the physical value of the retrieval channel data is, the smaller the bias between the two kinds of satellite retrieval result is.