
A review of multi-source meteorological data fusion products

  • 摘要: 阐述了中外主要的多源气象数据融合产品研究进展与趋势,重点介绍了中国气象局国家气象信息中心研制的陆面气象要素(包括气温、降水、湿度、风、气压、辐射等)、土壤温度与土壤湿度、洋面温度与洋面风、三维云等多源融合格点产品研发现状,以及中国气象局国家气象信息中心多源数据融合中试平台及统一质量检验评估系统的进展,并对未来多源气象数据融合产品研制进行了展望。


    Abstract: This paper is focused on the latest gridded fusion products developed by the National Meteorological Information Center (NMIC) of China Meteorological Administration (CMA),which include soil temperature and moisture,sea surface temperature,sea surface wind,three-dimensional cloud information and a series of meteorological elements data (such as air temperature,air pressure,precipitation,radiation,humidity,wind speed and direction,etc). The multi-source data fusion testbed and integrated quality evaluation system for these products are then introduced. Furthermore,recent progresses in multi-source data fusion in both foreign countries and China are reviewed in the paper,and the prospect of future development of multi-source meteorological data fusion is discussed.


