
Introduction to a radar mosaicking system for quantitative precipitation estimation based on the S-band and X-band phase-array polarimetric radars in Shenzhen

  • 摘要: 强对流系统诱发的局地暴雨往往造成城市内涝, 带来严重的经济损失,危害人民生命、财产安全。为加强城市内涝预警能力、提高内涝预报精度、改善风险空间描述,急需研发高精度、高时空分辨率的城市降水监测产品。本研究基于深圳市1部S波段双偏振雷达和2部X波段双偏振相控阵雷达观测资料,研发了深圳市S波段双偏振雷达和X波段双偏振相控阵雷达定量降水估测(QPE)组网拼图系统。该系统主要包含以下4个模块:(1)雷达非气象回波的识别与去除;(2)复合平面扫描仰角信息计算;(3)S波段和X波段雷达单站降水率计算;(4)S波段和X波段雷达QPE拼图。基于新研发的S波段和X波段雷达定量降水估测拼图系统,产生时间分辨率1 min、空间分辨率30 m的QPE产品,并以自动气象站观测降水为标准,与深圳市目前天气预报业务QPE产品进行对比分析。结果表明,使用新研发的降水拼图系统产生的QPE产品,在精度和稳定性上优于业务产品。


    Abstract: Local heavy precipitation caused by severe convection often results in urban waterlogging, causing catastrophic economic losses and hampering people's life and property security. To strengthen the warning ability for urban waterlogging and improve the accuracy of forecasting for urban waterlogging as well as spatial resolution of urban waterlogging risk products, it is imperative to develop high-accuracy and high spatiotemporal resolution precipitation surveillance product. In this paper, we introduce the Shenzhen quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) mosaicking system with the observations of one S-band polarimetric radar and two X-band polarimetric phase-array radars in Shenzhen. This system comprises 4 modules: (1) non-meteorological echo identi-fication and removal; (2) calculation of hybrid tilt; (3) estimation of rain rate with single radar observations; and (4) mosaicking of rain rate for multi radars. Using the system described in this paper, new QPE products with temporal resolution of 1 min and spatial resolution of 30 m can be generated. The quality of the new QPE product is evaluated against observations of rain gauges and compared with operational QPE product. Results suggest the new QPE product is better than the operational QPE product. It provides more accurate and stable precipitation estimation result.


