陈涛,谌芸,郑丽娜,陈双,陈博宇,徐珺. 2024. 5—7月大别山地区降水与边界层风场日变化特征关系研究. 气象学报,82(5):615-631. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2024.20230108
引用本文: 陈涛,谌芸,郑丽娜,陈双,陈博宇,徐珺. 2024. 5—7月大别山地区降水与边界层风场日变化特征关系研究. 气象学报,82(5):615-631. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2024.20230108
Chen Tao, Chen Yun, Zheng Lina, Chen Shuang, Chen Boyu, Xu Jun. 2024. The relationship between diurnal variations of precipitation and boundary layer winds over the Dabie Mountains during May—July. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 82(5):615-631. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2024.20230108
Citation: Chen Tao, Chen Yun, Zheng Lina, Chen Shuang, Chen Boyu, Xu Jun. 2024. The relationship between diurnal variations of precipitation and boundary layer winds over the Dabie Mountains during May—July. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 82(5):615-631. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2024.20230108


The relationship between diurnal variations of precipitation and boundary layer winds over the Dabie Mountains during May—July

  • 摘要: 基于2016—2020年自动气象站、雷达、闪电等多源观测资料及ERA5再分析数据,针对5—7月长江中下游关键地区午后和清晨时段降水双峰时、空分布特征,通过分析边界层急流(Boundary Layer Jet,BLJ)频率、对流环境因子日变化特征,揭示了大别山(Dabie Mountains,DBM)周边区域内边界层风场对降水时、空分布的影响机制。午后在山顶辐射加热影响下,DBM以向山顶爬升的辐合性风场为主,中午至午后时段DBM等山顶地区降水和对流开始明显增强,而在大别山和黄山之间的峡谷地区(Dabie-Huang mountains valley,DHV)内以流向两侧山地的辐散性风场为主,平均降水量相对山顶地区较弱。白天时段DHV的BLJ出现频率较低,总体降水量弱于山顶地区。00时(北京时,下同)前后,长江中下游地区边界层西南风加速度达到最大,BLJ发生频率显著增强, 04—05时前后,来自江汉平原的西风扰动和来自鄱阳湖平原的西南风扰动在DHV入口区汇合,导致DHV内西南风日变化扰动分量接近最大,也是BLJ出现频率最高的时段;同时在山顶夜间辐射冷却作用下,来自大别山和黄山山顶地区的下沉山风扰动也接近最大,因在DBM与DHV西南风急流轴之间出现显著的正扰动涡度,并在DBM南部边缘与DHV入口交界处形成水汽通量辐合中心,此处也是夜间对流有效位能高值区顶端,有利于对流触发或进一步东传,导致DHV区域在凌晨时段的强降水日峰值。


    Abstract: Based on ERA5 reanalysis and observation data from auto-weather stations, radars and lighting locators, the characteristics and connection between boundary layer winds and precipitation around the Dabie mountains (DBM) is studied by analyzing the characteristics of dual-peak precipitation in the afternoon and early morning in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river basin from May to July, and the diurnal variations of Boundary Layer Jet (BLJ) frequency and convective environmental factors. It is confirmed that under the influence of radiative heating in the afternoon, the DBM area is dominated by convergent winds towards the mountain top, and precipitation and convection begin to strengthen significantly from noon to afternoon. Divergent winds flowing to mountain tops on both sides are dominated in the valley between the Dabie mountain and the Huang mountain (DHV). In the daytime, the southwesterly jet stream in DHV occurs less frequently, and precipitation is weaker than that on the top of the DBM. After 00:00 BT at night, the BLJ in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river strengthens significantly, and from 04:00 BT to 05:00 BT in the morning, accelerated airflows from the Jianghan plain and the Poyang lake plain converge in the entrance area of the DHV. Meanwhile, the diurnal southwesterly wind perturbation in the DHV reaches its largest value in coincidence with the maximum occurrence frequency of the BLJ. At the same time, due to the nocturnal radiative cooling at mountain top, downslope wind perturbation is also close to its maximum value in surrounding areas of the Dabie mountains and Huang mountains, which results in cyclonic wind shear between the downslope winds from the DBM top and the accelerated BLJ in the DHV during late night to early morning. Positive vorticity forms at the adjacent district between the southern edge of the DBM and DHV and converges with water vapor flux. This region is also at the top of large nighttime convective available potential energy region with high water vapor flux, which is conducive to the triggering and bursting of convection, resulting in diurnal rainfall peak in early morning in the DHV area.


