
Current status of artificial intelligence governance and its challenges in the meteorological community

  • 摘要: 当前全球AI(人工智能)治理的版图正经历深刻的变革,国际社会正共同探索构建一个全面、互联互通的治理生态。联合国在巩固全球AI治理核心地位的征途中扮演了领航者的角色,其发布的一系列普适性伦理和规则旨在搭建起一个共识框架。美国、欧盟和英国等AI技术的领先者正在加速推进AI治理的战略布局,力图塑造一个协调一致、高度协作的国际治理体系,同时争夺AI治理领域的国际话语权。中国在AI治理的道路上也迈出了坚实的步伐,通过提出《全球AI治理倡议》,不仅在理论上展示了发展、安全、治理的全面视角,而且在实践中通过算法备案、评估评测、事后溯源检测等具体措施,推动AI治理从规则制定走向实践落地。国际组织针对教育、医疗和健康等专门领域的AI治理规范和伦理倡议,也为相关行业的发展提供了有力的规范和支持。尽管如此,全球范围内气象领域的AI治理仍然处于真空状态。中外在构建针对气象领域AI治理的准则、办法、规章方面尚处于起步阶段,法规和标准体系亟待建立。文中梳理了联合国系统、主要AI技术大国、相关国际组织的AI治理现状,分析了气象领域的AI应用风险和治理的独特挑战,为构建气象领域AI治理体系提供了全球视角。


    Abstract: The global AI (Artificial Intelligence) governance is currently evolving rapidly as the international community are jointly exploring the construction of a comprehensive and interconnected governance ecosystem. The United Nations has played a pioneering role in consolidating the core position of global AI governance, issuing a series of universal ethics and rules aimed at establishing a consensus framework. Leading AI technology entities such as the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom are accelerating the strategic layout of AI governance, striving to shape a coordinated and highly collaborative international governance system. Meanwhile, they are also competing for international discourse power in the field of AI governance. China has taken solid steps on the path of AI governance. By proposing the "Global AI Governance Initiative", China not only demonstrates a comprehensive perspective of development, security, and governance theoretically, but also promotes the transition of AI governance from rule-making to practical implementation through specific measures such as algorithm registration, assessment and evaluation, and post-event traceability checks. International organizations' AI governance norms and ethical initiatives for specialized fields such as education, medical care, and health also provide strong regulation and support for the development of related industries. Despite the above efforts, the governance of AI in the meteorological field on a global scale is still in a nascent state. Domestic and international efforts to establish guidelines, methods, and regulations for AI governance in the meteorological field are just beginning, and regulations and system standards are urgently needed. This article reviews the current status of AI governance in the United Nations and major AI technology countries and related international organizations, analyzes the unique challenges of AI application risks and governance in the meteorological field, and provides a global perspective for constructing an AI governance system in the meteorological community.


