
Development and application of a sub-daily in-situ snow depth dataset over China (1951—2023)

  • 摘要: 高质量、长序列、可实时更新的器测积雪深度观测数据是积雪深度模式产品和卫星遥感产品检验评估的基准数据。基于国家气象信息中心1951—2023年中国国家级地面站点观测的积雪深度数据,设置了包含元数据检查、界限值检查、时间一致性检查、气温-积雪深度协同检查、降水量-天气现象-气温-积雪深度协同检查和空间一致性检查的综合质量控制算法,识别出了约0.2%的错误数据,尤其能够识别积雪深度数据中的虚假“0”值以及148个站点错误的历史极值,保证了中国自1951年以来约2400个国家级地面观测站积雪深度数据的质量,研制形成一套中国地面器测积雪深度基础数据集。该数据集中各站点积雪深度数据完整性基本在80%—90%。基于该数据集,对中国积雪的季节分布特征、极值分布特征及长年代气候变化趋势特征进行了应用分析,结果显示东北地区、内蒙古东部、新疆北部和青藏高原积雪深度和积雪日数最高,冬季积雪深度15—20 cm,积雪日数在80 d以上,但是青藏高原积雪空间分布差异大。1951—2023年中国积雪深度和积雪日数气候趋势上升的区域集中在东北地区、内蒙古东部和新疆北部,下降的区域集中在华北平原和青藏高原。


    Abstract: A high-quality, long-series, real-time updatable snow depth dataset of in-situ observations collected by National Meteorological Information Centre is developed. It is crucial for evaluating snow depth model and satellite remote sensing products. A comprehensive quality control procedure including the check of metadata, limit values, temporal consistency, temperature-snow depth consistency, precipitation-weather phenomenon-temperature-snow depth consistency, and spatial consistency has been applied to snow depth in-situ observations to identify erroneous data. About 0.2% erroneous data are identified, especially the false “0” value and the erroneous extremes at 148 stations, and the quality of the dataset is ensured. The dataset comprises of snow depth observations from about 2400 sites spanning from 1951 to 2023, with data completeness ranging from 80%—90% at each station. Based on this dataset, the present study investigates spatial distribution of snow in different seasons, the three major snowpack zones, extreme values, and climatic trend of mean daily snow depth and the number of snow-cover days. The findings highlight the largest snow depth and the number of snow-cover days in specific regions like Northeast China, the eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Xinjiang, and the Qingzang plateau (15—20 cm and over 80 d in winter). Spatial variability is also observed on the Qingzang plateau. Significant increasing trends are observed in Northeast China, the eastern Inner Mongolia, and northern Xinjiang, while decreasing trends are observed in the North China plain and the Qingzang plateau.


