
Analysis of microphysical features in the inner core of Super Typhoon Meranti (2016) based on dual-polarization radar observations

  • 摘要: 为了研究热带气旋内核的微物理特征。基于厦门S波段双偏振雷达观测数据研究分析超强台风“莫兰蒂”(2016)登陆过程中内核微物理特征的演变。研究表明:(1)“莫兰蒂”内核降水具有明显非对称性分布,短时强降水主要位于台风移动方向前侧。极端短时强降水则集中在台风移动方向左侧,并由左前侧象限向左后象限移动。(2)反射率因子(ZH)、差分反射率因子(ZDR)和差分传播相移率(KDP)等双偏振参数的极大值位于距离台风中心约30 km范围内,呈现非对称的水平分布特征。登陆期间,地形使得台风内核的水平结构发生变化,台风眼墙逐渐向内收缩,陆地上的双偏振参数明显增强,其大值区由台风移动方向的左侧向右侧转移。(3)台风眼墙的前侧象限呈现出水凝物尺度分选的双偏振雷达特征:表现为KDP大值区位于ZDR大值区的下游,ZH大值区位于二者重叠处。位于眼墙前侧的ZDR柱指示了稳定的上升气流的存在。大的降水粒子在此产生并向下游降落,形成倾斜的ZDR大值区,较小粒子具有更大的平流距离,伴有KDP大值区。(4)台风内核的融化层高度向着台风中心而逐渐增高,体现了台风暖心结构。在融化层之下,ZHZDRKDP均随高度降低而明显增大,说明“莫兰蒂”的内核降水以暖雨过程为主。(5)台风眼墙不同象限的水凝物分布导致地面降水呈现不同的特点,其移动方向前侧更容易出现ZDR大值,KDP大值则多出现在左侧象限,更大、更浓密的降水粒子在上述象限形成极高的降水效率。ZDRKDP大值区均与地面短时强降水相对应,但后者可更好地指示地面极端短时强降水的位置。(6)“莫兰蒂”登陆阶段,闽南地区地形对其眼墙降水具有增强作用。局地地形造成的低层辐合使得ZDRKDP等双偏振参数明显增大。更大、更浓密的降水粒子频繁出现在该区域,有利于强降水的发展和维持。


    Abstract: Xiamen S-band dual-polarization radar observations of super Typhoon Meranti (2016) prior to and during its landfall provide essential insights into the microphysical characteristics of tropical cyclone (TC) inner core. The study yields the following results. (1) The distribution of Meranti's inner core precipitation exhibited an obvious asymmetric feature. The flash heavy rain was mainly located in the front of TC movement direction. Correspondingly, extreme flash rain was concentrated on the left side of TC movement direction and shifted from the front-left quadrant to the rear-left quadrant. (2) The maximum values of polarization parameters such as the reflectivity (ZH), differential reflectivity (ZDR) and specific differential phase (KDP) are found to have asymmetric horizontal distributions within a radius of about 30 km from the TC center. The horizontal structure of the TC inner core was influenced by topography and underwent changes as Meranti made landfall. The eyewall gradually contracted inward with increased polarization parameters, and the high polarization parameters shifted from left to right of the TC movement direction. (3) The front quadrants of the eyewall exhibited a polarimetric radar signature of hydrometeor size sorting, which marked by a KDP increase region located downwind of a ZDR increase region, both overlapping high ZH. The ZDR column suggested the occurrence of a persistent updraft in the front quadrant of the eyewall, where large precipitation particles were produced and fell downstream, forming a slanted high ZDR region, whereas smaller particles had a larger advection distance, accompanied by a high KDP region. (4) The melting-layer altitude in the TC inner core was displaced upward as the radial distance from the TC center decreased, which reveals the warm core structure of the TC. Below the melting layer, ZH, ZDR and KDP increased significantly toward the surface, indicating that the precipitation of Meranti's inner core was generally dominated by warm rain processes. (5) The spatial distribution of precipitation particles within different quadrants of TC eyewall resulted in different characteristics of surface precipitation. The eyewall front-of-motion quadrants had a greater probability of high ZDR, while the left quadrant more frequently had high KDP. The larger denser precipitation particles produced extremely high precipitation efficiency in these quadrants. Regions of ZDR and KDP intensification corresponded to flash heavy rain in the surface. However, the area of large KDP provided a better indicator of the location of extreme flash rain. (6) The topography in southern Fujian had an enhanced effect on the eyewall precipitation of Meranti during landfall. The low-level convergence induced by local terrain caused enhancements in polarization parameters such as ZDR and KDP. The larger denser precipitation particles frequently appeared there, promoting sustained and intensified heavy precipitation.


