
Climatic characteristics of floating dust and persistent floating dust over the Tarim basin in the recent 30 years

  • 摘要: 塔里木盆地沙尘天气具有独特的持续浮尘滞空区域特征。目前塔里木盆地浮尘天气的气候学特征认知依然停留在1990年,亟待认知近30年塔里木盆地浮尘天气的变化特征。因此,利用1991—2020年塔里木盆地27个观测站浮尘天气观测资料,分析塔里木盆地近30年浮尘天气的时、空变化特征,并给出盆地持续浮尘天气的频次分布,以加深对塔里木盆地浮尘“滞空”变化特征的认识。近30年(1991—2020年)塔里木盆地浮尘日数年际变化趋势呈“V”型特征,即1991—2011年浮尘天气呈现整体下降趋势,但2012年以来反转为上升趋势。塔里木盆地南部皮山—和田—策勒—民丰一线地区维持一个浮尘天气频发区的极值中心,且进入21世纪以来,盆地南部这一浮尘天气频发区的极值中心东移至民丰地区,中心值为152 d。塔里木盆地浮尘天气具有独特的区域特征,近30年盆地持续2 d及其以上的浮尘天气占浮尘日总数的64.25%。塔里木盆地南部和田与策勒等地,甚至出现持续30 d以上的月时间尺度持续性极端浮尘事件。给出了一个值得关注的塔里木盆地浮尘“滞空”的沙尘气候特征。


    Abstract: There are unique regional characteristics of persistent floating dust in the Tarim basin. At present, our understanding of the climatological characteristics of floating dust over the Tarim basin still remains for the scenario before 1990, and it is imperative to understand the variation characteristics of floating dust in the recent 30 years. Based on the dust weather observation data collected at 27 weather stations in the Tarim basin during the period 1991—2020, temporal and spatial variation characteristics are analyzed and the frequency distribution of persistent floating dust is obtained to fully understand the variation characteristics of floating dust in the Tarim basin. In the recent 30 years (1991—2020), the interannual variation trend of floating dust days displays a "V" shape in the basin, that is, the whole basin experienced a downward trend from 1991 to 2011, and the trend has turned to upward since 2012. The Pishan-Hotan-Cele-Minfeng area to the south of the Tarim basin is an maximum value center of frequent floating dust. Since the beginning of this century, the maximum center of floating dust in the south of the basin has moved eastward to Minfeng area, where the maximum value is 152 d. Floating dust exhibits unique regional features in the Tarim basin. In the recent 30 years, floating dust persistent for 2 days or longer accounts for 64.25% of the total floating dust days in the Tarim basin. Even monthly scale extreme floating dust events that could last for more than 30 days were observed in Hotan, Cele and other places in the south of the basin. A climatic dust characteristic of persistent floating dust in the Tarim basin is presented.


